18 Mai Keine Kommentare Annette Mueller Annette Müller

Interview Annette Müller & Glynis German – Mallorca Sunshine Radio

Seht euch hier das Interview mit Annette Müller und Glynis für das Mallorca Sunshine Radio an:



My first question is, because as I just said I didn’t think there was anything wrong with me, until you pointed out something that was very obvious. I’m imagining that we wander through life with so much that’s wrong. We’re not even aware of it so when we stood up there and you actually pointed out how completely out of line my body was, I was like “my gosh” because I could feel it. So what are we doing?



You’re just used to this wrong alignment. And you hear many people say and most people say yes that’s natural that one foot is shorter than the other, that the pelvis is out of balance, like even with animals. For example this one horse goes around the corner to the left side easier than to the right side because the body is in imbalanced. But actually what is in imbalance is not the body, the body just expresses the imbalance. So the body expresses the imbalance of the architecture. And so what we did now working with you is changing the architectural information and this is why the shift can be so fast and also so lasting.



Because the shift was immediate. I felt the right side doing things and when we were on the shoulder it was powerful. It was really, things were happening.



Yes, and so as you remember the shoulder was to the front, you have this twist in the spine, so the upper body was like this and you don’t know that. You don’t notice it, because you’re so used to this. And so when I pointed it out and took the picture you said “yes I can feel this. This shoulder is to the front.” So there was a huge release and the shoulder going back down and then when the shoulder went down, your head went to the middle. Remember? And it shifted naturally.



Wow. I just want to ask the biggest question of all. How does it work?



How? Yes, I can try to explain it just a little bit, because you have to experience it to be able to grasp the shift. But also, as you said “I have no words for this”. On the table you said “I have no words for this”. It’s right, you have no words for this, because the words are in the gross level and we work on the subtle level. So what we do, is we feed the information and the power of perfection to your being, which means your being. Which includes your soul, your karmic information, your thoughts, your beliefs, everything. The whole being is fed with the vibration and with the information of perfection. So what happens in that moment is that your own intelligence wants to go towards perfection, wants to go towards happiness, wants to go towards lightness it wants to shed all the blockages and wants to shed the obstacles and that’s what’s happening in that moment. Your system releases as much as possible during the time when we work with you.



And at one point it was a semi out of body experience, because I really felt I could almost see the other hand leaving this hand and arm and it was flying.



Going up and down. Yes, people do experience this. We have people that do a lot of movements while they are on the table. So then in the material, in the gross body you can see those shifts happening. Not all do, but many do.



Wow. It must be interesting from your point of view. Especially I would imagine…. What was it like in the beginning when you started this? Because it must be, for somebody new, to see a body shifting on it’s own it must me huge.



It’s huge! It’s like, there’s nothing else in the world that’s like as fascinating as this. You know it’s like…. I couldn’t think of anything. It’s like, you know, under your own hands cells change.


Did it scare you in the beginning? All the responsibility of it?



No. Never. No, because I don’t feel like I have responsibility. My responsibility is that I tell people I can do this, my students can do this, you’re able to learn this because I can teach you how to learn this. This is my responsibility. Everything else is the responsibility of the people. If they want to come have a session, they are welcome to have a session, if they want to come learn the method, they are welcome to learn the method. But I’m not responsible for that.



And what would you say are the helpful qualities for somebody to learn this method?



I don’t understand the question.



What kind of person would be somebody who can carry that gift?



Anyone! Anyone who has that spark, this feeling – oh I would like to change something for myself, for my family, for my friends, I even want to open a practice, I want to change my profession, I don’t want to be taxi driving anymore – like we had a taxi driver in Hawaii taking the class and he had like amazing results. He’s been freeing Michelle, that’s a lady who had needed to quit her job because she couldn’t stand anymore on her feet. Her feet were hurting and she could not go shopping. She needed to sit in one of these things to go shopping, so she was dependent on help from the outside and also money from the outside. She had a family and children, a husband and they were all suffering because of her illness. And so she was there for four sessions with the taxi driver and she was completely fine! She was like Woooow! This was one of the most impressive healing miracles happening there. She’s been a walk-in. A friend told her “you come there’s a bunch of healers in training, why don’t you see if they can give you a session?”. And right there she was, getting a session and it was life changing for her.




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Annette Mueller